
A gun rights organization, Gun Owners of America, has accused YouTube of promoting a negative narrative about firearms to minors by implementing new age restrictions on videos that feature the use of guns. The group sent a letter to YouTube CEO Neal Mohan expressing their concerns about the platform’s new “firearms policy.” According to Google, certain content demonstrating how to remove safety devices will be prohibited, and videos showing homemade firearms, automatic firearms, and specific firearm accessories will be age restricted starting June 18th.

Gun Owners of America argued that restricting access to adults only for content that showcases constitutionally-protected activities is unjust. They believe that this policy change will influence young Americans to view firearms in a negative light, while allowing Hollywood and anti-gun media to continue spreading false narratives without any restrictions.

In response to these accusations, a YouTube spokesperson stated that the updates to their firearms policy are meant to align with the current content landscape on the platform. They mentioned that advancements in 3D printing technology have led to an expansion of restrictions on homemade firearms content. YouTube claimed to consult with law enforcement and public safety experts when making these policy changes.

Despite YouTube’s explanation, Gun Owners of America remains concerned about the impact these new rules will have on the First and Second Amendments. They find the timing of these changes, especially during an election cycle, suspicious and believe it may disproportionately affect the Second Amendment community on YouTube. The organization has requested Mohan to address several questions regarding the policy change, including inquiries about the involvement of the Biden administration or gun control groups in influencing this decision.

Gun Owners of America stressed the importance of protecting the rights of millions of Americans, both in terms of the First and Second Amendments. They await a prompt response from YouTube to address their concerns and clarify the motives behind the new firearms policy.