137 Arrests Made for Driving Under Influence During Bank Holiday Weekend

Over the Bank Holiday weekend, a total of 137 motorists have been arrested for driving under the influence of an intoxicant. The arrests were made as part of An Garda Síochana’s Bank Holiday Road Safety plan, which included drug and alcohol testing at checkpoints across the country since Thursday.

Superintendent Liam Geraghty described the operation as “very busy,” noting that the focus was not only on driving under the influence but also on speeding. Two notable speeding incidents included a motorcyclist traveling at 146km/h in an 80km/h zone in Co Wicklow and another vehicle detected at 190km/h in a 100km/h zone on the N4 in Mullingar.

Supt Geraghty emphasized the importance of driving within speed limits to prevent serious collisions, stating, “It is better to arrive home a little bit later and safely, than to not arrive home at all.”

In addition to the enforcement efforts, a new provision in the Road Traffic Act now requires drug testing for any driver involved in a serious collision. This new measure aims to improve road safety and hold drivers accountable for their actions.

Furthermore, An Garda Síochána is introducing a digital evidence management system that will allow the public to upload video evidence of dangerous driving incidents. This system, set to be implemented within the next two years, will enhance the ability of gardaí to investigate reports of reckless driving and provide valuable evidence in court.

While these initiatives are steps in the right direction, Susan Gray, Founder and Chairperson of PARC, believes that more needs to be done to address dangerous driving on Irish roads. She called for increased visibility of gardaí, more resources for road policing, and better technology to support law enforcement efforts.

Overall, advancements in technology, such as the Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system, are aiding gardaí in detecting road offenses and improving road safety measures. As efforts continue to enhance road policing strategies, the goal remains to create safer roadways for all motorists.