After the Buitoni and Kinder cases, food safety is evolving in a precarious balance, where consumers are expressing their distrust of an industry considered uncertain. As food giants are singled out for negligence, complaints are piling up over the many products being recalled and pulled from the shelves.
At a time when the General Directorate for Competition, Consumption and the Repression of Fraud (DGCCRF) accumulates references to be recalled, it must inform consumers of the dangers and interrupt their consumption. E.coli, listeria, salmonella… Bacteria are numerous and can cause health problems, which range from simple discomfort to vomiting, up to possible neurological sequelae.
Consumers are therefore called upon to be vigilant when buying and preparing foods such as fruits and vegetables, unpasteurized dairy products, meats, but also deli meats or raw and smoked fish. Hygiene measures such as washing hands when preparing meals or carefully rinsing fruits and vegetables are strongly recommended to limit the risks.
It is now the Carte d’Or brand, famous for its ice cream, which is facing a recall of its products, in particular a series of frozen logs. An ethylene oxide level higher than the authorized limit has, in fact, been noted in several references of the brand. Many ice creams still retain traces of this pesticide banned in the European Union when an alert was launched last summer. Classified as a “carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic agent”, its use has been prohibited since 2011.
If you have purchased one of these references, you are asked not to consume them and to bring these products back to your purchase store. If it is also possible for you to destroy it, it is not recommended to throw it in the trash since other people could recover it and consume it. In the case of a return to the store, you can claim a refund of the product after checking its serial number. Discover, in our slideshow, the list of Carte d’Or references affected by this recall.