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resim 207

In a few weeks, it will already be time for school children to find their schoolbags, and for the others…. to find a little seriousness after the summer.

In September, exit the tubes of sunscreen and beach novels, make way for highlighters, charts of accounts and scarves. And even if, this year, the summer risks playing extra time in terms of weather, the atmosphere will certainly not be the same as the calendar autumn approaches.

The days are getting shorter, the sky is darkening, the temperatures are dropping and the activities are less festive… Often, autumn acts like a leaden screed on our mood and sometimes causes serious blues. This phenomenon has a name: seasonal depression.

“The person feels sad, they have dark thoughts, spend a lot of time in bed, give up their favorite activities and see their appetite increase, especially for sweet foods, which makes them gain weight. It’s a cyclical phenomenon. which disappears in the spring but comes back every year, or almost,” explains Dr. Eric Charles to Figaro Santé.

It is estimated that seasonal depression affects around one in 10 people in France… And it is not surprising in the North that we would be most sensitive to it.

To avoid such a depression, it is therefore better to be prepared before facing the start of the school year. Why don’t you consult the forecasts of the stars? In our slideshow, find out what awaits your sign in September.

If the prospect of back to school is already causing you cold sweats, Dr. Eric Charles advises exposing yourself to daylight as long as possible, even when the days are getting shorter.

To relieve stress, you can also try meditation, acupuncture or yoga, mentions Medisite.

If you believe in parasciences, know that you are not alone. On the contrary: 58% of French people said they believed in at least one of the parascience disciplines, in an Ifop poll carried out for Current Woman and published in December 2020. The proportion explodes among young people (18-24 years old) since they are 75 % to believe in at least one discipline.

In detail, 41% of respondents said they believed in astrology, 29% in the lines of the hand, 28% in witchcraft, 26% in clairvoyance, 26% in numerology and 23% in fortune-telling. More than a quarter of French people have already consulted a specialist (26%) at least once in their life.