
Rep. Chip Roy, a representative from Texas, is making moves to address concerns about President Biden’s mental fitness by discussing options under the 25th Amendment with House Republicans. In an interview with Fox News, Roy emphasized the importance of Republicans taking a stance on Biden’s competence.

The 25th Amendment, specifically Section 4, outlines the procedures for removing a president from office if they are deemed incapacitated. However, introducing a resolution on the 25th Amendment is not a straightforward process. Unlike impeachment, which is considered “privileged” and receives priority in Congress, a resolution on the 25th Amendment must first go through the committee before reaching the House floor.

Critics of President Biden have been vocal about their concerns regarding his cognitive abilities, especially following his recent interview with ABC where he refused to commit to a cognitive test. Some Democratic Party donors in Hollywood have even threatened to stop donations if Biden is not replaced as the presidential candidate.

According to a senior House Republican leadership source, any resolution on the 25th Amendment must follow the standard committee process. Roy’s initiative comes shortly after House Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana also discussed the possibility of the cabinet getting involved in the 25th Amendment discussion concerning President Biden.

It is evident that the issue of President Biden’s mental fitness is a topic of concern and discussion within the political landscape. As the debate continues, it will be crucial for both Republicans and Democrats to navigate this sensitive issue with care and respect for the constitutional processes in place. The coming weeks will likely see further developments and debates surrounding this important matter.