
Don Garber is a skilled storyteller. Sitting down for lunch at a Manhattan restaurant, he shared details of his journey from Bayside, Queens to becoming the MLS commissioner. He emphasized the importance of little details in crafting a compelling story, like working at Barney’s Gulf as a teenager and sleeping in a van after college.

As the MLS commissioner for 25 years, Garber’s storytelling abilities have played a crucial role in the growth and success of American soccer. He joined MLS in 1999, bringing with him a background in public relations, marketing, and sales that was essential in keeping the league afloat during challenging times. Through his leadership, MLS has achieved stability, with 30 teams and growing club valuations.

Garber’s legacy as commissioner is built on a foundation of hard work and innovation. He navigated MLS through near bankruptcy in 2001, creating Soccer United Marketing to leverage the sport’s growing popularity. His ability to sell soccer to the public, sponsors, and investors has been instrumental in the league’s expansion and growth.

Despite the achievements of the past 25 years, Garber recognizes that there is still work to be done. As soccer continues to grow in popularity in the U.S. and Canada, MLS faces new challenges and opportunities. With the World Cup on the horizon and high-profile players like Lionel Messi joining the league, Garber is focused on guiding MLS towards continued success.

Garber’s upbringing in Queens has shaped his deep loyalty and ambition. His journey from Bayside to the pinnacle of American soccer reflects the values instilled in him by his immigrant parents and the close-knit community he grew up in. Garber’s ability to bring people together and rally them around a shared vision has been key to his success as commissioner.

As MLS looks towards the future, Garber remains committed to evolving the league and solidifying its position as one of the top soccer leagues in the world. By rethinking strategies around player signings, competitive balance, and commercial rights, Garber aims to ensure MLS’s continued growth and success.

Garber’s story is far from over. As he reflects on his accomplishments and looks ahead to the next chapter for MLS, one thing is clear: his passion for the sport and his dedication to building a strong and vibrant soccer league in America remain unwavering.