Belgian Syriestrijders escaped from the Old jail
Belgian Syriestrijders escaped from the Old jail

There are two Belgian Syriëstrijders escaped from a Kurdish prison in northern Syria. That OCAM’s ceo, Paul Van Tigchelt on Wednesday said the committee on Foreign Affairs.

We know already that three of the ISIS are women, and of their six children in the camp in Ain Issa was supposed to have left. “A camp of Ain Issa, it doesn’t exist anymore. The women and children in the camp have to leave, whether they wanted to or not,” says the director of the OCAD, the body that is the threat to our country is analysed.

as Of the Tigchelt gave it to the most recent statistics for our country-there are now 55 number of FTF personnel in the conflict zone in Syria. FTF’ers are on Foreign Terrorist Fighters , most of which have the Belgian nationality, but some of them just have an important link with Belgium. It is, for example, went from Belgium to Syria to fight.

in Addition to the 55 FTF’ers are 69 children in the area. “In addition, the OCAD about two-male-FTF-ers, who have managed to escape from a prison in the north of Syria.”

as Of the Tigchelt warned that not all the FTF’ers are on the same category as evil. “There are people – even the Belgians, from whom it can be assumed that they have an ideology, have rejected. But this does not mean that they will not be judged must be in place. It can be assumed that they will go to Belgium and want to return. Also, there are hardcore terrorists in. Often these are the people who, after the fall of the goddess ISIS, in march, were picked up and taken to a prison to you?”


The Belgian justice system in order to create a systematic aanhoudingsmandaten of the most Syriëstrijders, those who are in category one. It has issued a circular that the cooperation can be arranged with Turkey, as a neighboring country of Syria, and the delivery to the Belgian court, of persons who are Belgian aanhoudingsmandaat run.

Our country has negotiated with other countries that have a lot of Syriëstrijders (in France, Germany, the United Kingdom, ireland, Denmark, and Sweden on the creation of a sort of international tribunal, but the negotiations have yet to reach an agreement resulted.

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