
In the midst of the current political landscape, the priorities of each party are becoming more evident as the election approaches. While Trump and the Republicans focus on tax cuts, economic recovery, crime prevention, and national security, Joe Biden and the Democrats are emphasizing issues like pronouns, climate change, student loans, and open borders. These may seem far removed from the everyday concerns of working Americans.

For example, a bill in California has been proposed that would prohibit schools from informing parents if their children decide to change their pronouns. This means that even young students could make significant personal decisions without parental involvement, raising concerns about the role of parents in their children’s lives. The bill essentially keeps parents out of the loop when it comes to important aspects of their child’s identity, which is a troubling trend.

Moreover, there have been cases in Nevada where school districts have implemented policies that allow children to change their names, pronouns, and sexual identities at school without notifying parents. This not only undermines the authority of parents but also poses risks to the well-being of the children involved. By isolating children from their families, these policies create a dangerous precedent that could have long-term negative consequences.

One of the reasons behind these initiatives may be the need for progressives to find new causes to champion. As journalist John Tierney points out, activist groups often need to create new issues to stay relevant and attract funding. This trend can be seen in various sectors, from environmental organizations receiving grants for clean energy projects that end up supporting open borders, to advocacy groups shifting their focus from one cause to another.

However, there is growing skepticism even among liberal circles about the effectiveness of these approaches. Some centrists question the wisdom of putting liberals in charge when areas under their control are facing challenges like homelessness, crime, and dysfunction. This raises important questions about the impact of progressive policies and whether they are truly addressing the needs of communities.

In conclusion, the emphasis on issues like pronouns, climate change, and student loans by the Biden administration and the Democrats may reflect a broader trend of prioritizing symbolic gestures over practical solutions. As the political landscape continues to evolve, it is essential to consider the long-term implications of these policies on the well-being of individuals and communities. By focusing on substantive issues that directly impact people’s lives, policymakers can better address the real challenges facing society.