
President Biden is set to introduce new protections for undocumented spouses of American citizens, offering them the opportunity to avoid deportation, obtain work permits, and pursue a pathway to citizenship. This initiative, which will be unveiled on Tuesday at the White House, coincides with the 12-year anniversary of the DACA program, aimed at shielding individuals who arrived in the U.S. as children from deportation.

The policy aims to assist up to 500,000 undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens by granting them protection from deportation, enabling them to work legally, and providing a route to citizenship. Currently, individuals who entered the U.S. illegally by crossing the southern border face challenges in obtaining a green card, as they are required to return to their home countries for the application process, leading to prolonged separations from their families. The new program will allow families to stay together while working towards legal status.

This move is anticipated to be one of the most comprehensive actions taken by a president to offer relief to unauthorized immigrants since the implementation of DACA by President Obama. Additionally, President Biden is expected to announce measures to assist Dreamers, individuals protected under DACA, in securing work visas.

By providing these legal protections, the Biden administration aims to address the challenges faced by undocumented individuals and their families, offering them a chance to establish a more stable and secure future in the United States. This initiative reflects the administration’s commitment to immigration reform and humanizing the experiences of undocumented immigrants who contribute to American society.

The new policy signals a shift towards a more compassionate approach to immigration, recognizing the importance of keeping families together and providing opportunities for undocumented individuals to fully participate in American society. As the details of the plan are unveiled, it is clear that the administration is prioritizing inclusivity and fairness in its immigration policies, striving to create a more welcoming environment for immigrants seeking to build a better life in the United States.