
President Biden flew from Italy to Los Angeles to attend a star-studded fundraiser that raised over $28 million for his campaign. The event, which featured celebrities such as Barack Obama, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Jimmy Kimmel, showcased the Hollywood support for the President.

Despite his busy schedule at the Group of 7 summit in Italy, President Biden made the effort to fly across 10 time zones to attend the fundraiser. This highlights the demands on his time as he gears up for the upcoming campaign against former President Donald J. Trump. At 81 years old, Biden’s endurance and dedication to his duties were evident as he traveled from one event to another.

The $28 million raised at the fundraiser is a record-breaking amount for the Democratic Party, surpassing the previous record set in New York earlier this year. While Democrats have been leading in donations throughout the campaign, Republicans managed to raise significant funds as well. However, the support from Hollywood and the entertainment industry has always been a strong financial backing for the Democrats.

Tickets for the event ranged from $250 for grassroots supporters to $500,000 for a four-seat package, demonstrating the wide range of support for President Biden’s campaign. The fundraiser not only provided a financial boost but also showcased the strong backing of some of the most well-known figures in the country.

Overall, the fundraiser in Hollywood was a successful event that highlighted the support for President Biden as he gears up for the upcoming campaign. With record-breaking donations and a show of unity from celebrities and supporters, the event set a positive tone for the campaign ahead.