
Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen recently expressed concerns about President Biden’s executive order that he believes allows illegal immigrants and non-citizens to register to vote. According to Allen, Executive Order 14019, issued in 2021, broadens the interpretation of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. This has led to state agencies, such as Medicaid offices, providing voter registration forms to individuals who come into contact with them, regardless of their citizenship status.

Allen highlighted a case where a voter received a voter registration form in the mail for a deceased relative, prompting his office to investigate further. He emphasized the importance of ensuring that only U.S. citizens have the right to vote in American elections. Allen called for reforms to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to verify citizenship and prevent non-citizens from receiving voter registration forms.

In addition to his concerns about voter registration, Allen also raised issues related to election integrity. He emphasized the need for fair, secure, transparent, and accountable elections in Alabama. Allen praised the state’s election laws, including the use of paper ballots and photo identification requirements for voters.

Furthermore, Allen advocated for two pieces of legislation at the federal level aimed at safeguarding voter eligibility. The Citizen Ballot Protection Act and the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act would require proof of citizenship for voter registration and the removal of non-citizens from voter rolls. He stressed the importance of election officials and the public working together to ensure the integrity of the election process.

Regarding President Biden’s recent executive order on mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, Allen criticized the move as an election-year strategy to win over Hispanic and Latino voters. He expressed concerns that such actions could undermine the power of legitimate American voters. Allen called for reforms to prevent the dilution of American citizens’ voting rights.

In conclusion, Allen’s remarks underscore the importance of upholding election integrity and ensuring that only eligible U.S. citizens have the right to vote. His advocacy for legislative reforms and commitment to transparency in the electoral process reflect his dedication to protecting the integrity of elections in Alabama.