
President Biden is set to issue an executive order that will grant certain rights or privileges to individuals who are in the United States without official authorization or who have overstayed their visas. This group includes individuals who entered the country unlawfully or have remained past the expiration of their visas, such as tourist or student visas. The estimated number of such individuals in the country ranges from 10 to 25 million, with many entering through various means like crossing the border, seeking asylum at ports of entry, or arriving by boat.

Recent reports from The New York Times suggest that over 10 million people have crossed the southern border without permission during President Biden’s term in office. This has raised concerns about border security and the need to address the influx of migrants coming into the country. The issue of border security is critical not only for national security but also for the safety and well-being of migrants who undertake dangerous journeys to reach the U.S.

While the focus is on closing the border and enhancing security measures, there is also a separate issue of what to do with the millions of individuals already in the country without legal status. Some may need to be deported, especially those with criminal backgrounds or ties to extremist groups. However, there are also groups that may warrant a pathway to regularization, although not necessarily to citizenship, as it would prioritize those who have followed legal immigration processes.

President Biden’s forthcoming executive order is expected to address these issues, but there are concerns about the legality and constitutionality of such actions. It is crucial to approach regularization with compassion while upholding the law and the Constitution. Any unilateral action by the President that circumvents existing immigration laws may face legal challenges and scrutiny.

In the midst of these debates, it is essential to prioritize urgent issues such as border security and law enforcement while handling the issue of regularization with careful consideration and adherence to legal processes. The legacy media and policymakers must distinguish between urgent and important matters to address the complex challenges of immigration policy in a fair and lawful manner.