
President Biden visited Detroit on Friday, but many high-profile Michigan Democrats were notably absent from his campaign event. Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a co-chair of the Biden campaign, did not attend, despite posting a welcome message on social media. She has stated that she will not run for president this year, even if Biden were to drop out, sparking speculation about her future plans.

Michigan’s two Democratic senators, Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, also missed the event, along with Representative Elissa Slotkin, who is a leading candidate to succeed Senator Stabenow. However, both senators expressed their support for President Biden on social media after his arrival in Detroit.

During a video call with donors, Representative Slotkin mentioned that Biden was trailing behind Donald J. Trump in Michigan, emphasizing her Senate candidacy as a way to continue the party’s legacy. A spokesperson for Senator Stabenow mentioned that she was out of town, while a representative for Senator Peters cited prior commitments for his absence. There was no immediate response from representatives of Governor Whitmer and Representative Slotkin regarding their non-attendance.

Despite the absence of these high-profile Democrats, President Biden was greeted by actress Octavia Spencer during his visit to Detroit. The event highlighted the importance of Michigan in the upcoming election and the efforts to rally support for the Democratic Party in the state.

It is crucial for political leaders to show unity and support for their party’s candidates, especially during campaign events. The absence of key figures like Governor Whitmer, Senators Stabenow and Peters, and Representative Slotkin raises questions about the state of the Democratic Party in Michigan and the level of enthusiasm for the Biden campaign.

As the election approaches, it will be interesting to see how these dynamics play out and whether there will be a stronger show of solidarity among Michigan Democrats in the future. The party’s ability to come together and mobilize support will be essential in securing victory in the state and ensuring a successful outcome in the presidential race.