
Vice President Kamala Harris is currently considering several men as potential vice presidential candidates, many of whom served as state attorneys general alongside her. These relationships could play a significant role in influencing her decision in the coming days.

When President Biden announced Harris as his running mate four years ago, he mentioned that his late son Beau, who was Delaware’s attorney general, had great respect for Harris and her work. This personal connection and endorsement from Beau held weight in Biden’s decision-making process.

Now, it is Vice President Harris who is tasked with selecting a running mate. Given her background in law enforcement and the Democrats’ focus on contrasting her prosecutor image with that of former President Donald J. Trump as a felon, the selection process might lead back to a group of ambitious former attorneys general who worked alongside her.

Out of the top contenders for the vice presidential spot, Governors Roy Cooper of North Carolina and Andy Beshear of Kentucky have direct experience working with Harris during their time as attorneys general. Additionally, Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania took office as Harris was exiting her role and Trump was entering the presidency.

Insights from interviews with individuals who collaborated with Harris and these potential running mates shed light on the relationships she has built and the strengths each candidate could bring to the table. Whether it’s providing steady leadership, political influence in key battleground states, or proven appeal in conservative regions, all candidates offer a sense of balance in terms of geography, ideology, and executive background.

Moreover, these men have demonstrated their ability to work in a manner that benefits not only their party but also all residents in their respective states. Karl Racine, the former attorney general of Washington, D.C., who worked closely with Harris during her tenure, highlighted the positive impact these individuals have had on their communities.

As we await confirmation of access to the full article, it is evident that Vice President Harris is carefully weighing her options and considering the value each potential running mate brings to the ticket. The relationships she has cultivated with these former attorneys general could prove to be instrumental in shaping her final decision.