
Missouri Democratic Rep. Cori Bush’s remarkable healing stories have once again come to light, as recounted in her 2022 autobiography “The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America.” In her book, Bush shared her experiences working as a faith healer and the miraculous events she witnessed during that time. One such instance involved a disabled toddler who had never walked due to a brain bleed shortly after birth. With Bush’s encouragement, the child took her first steps and continued walking, much to the amazement of those present.

Another remarkable story shared by Bush in her autobiography was about a woman suffering from multiple tumors. Despite lacking health insurance and living in challenging circumstances, Bush prayed over the woman and felt the tumors shrinking under her touch, along with the woman’s pain alleviating. Bush attributed these healings to the power of God working within her, which she discovered as she delved deeper into her faith.

While Bush’s autobiography sheds light on her past as a faith healer, recent reports indicate that the book has not garnered significant attention, with only 729 copies sold in the first week of its release. The resurgence of Bush’s history as a faith healer comes at a crucial time, as she faces a tough primary challenge against Wesley Bell, both in terms of polling numbers and campaign funding. Bush’s committee entered the new year with a modest $215,000, while Bell’s campaign reported a stronger financial position with $408,000 in the bank.

As the Missouri primary election approaches, the spotlight on Bush’s faith healing experiences adds a unique dimension to her political career. Despite the challenges she faces in the upcoming election, Bush’s background as a faith healer showcases a different aspect of her character and beliefs. The intersection of faith and politics in Bush’s life presents voters with a complex narrative to consider as they evaluate her candidacy.

In the midst of these revelations, it remains to be seen how Bush’s faith healing past will impact her political future. The juxtaposition of her spiritual experiences with the demands of the political arena adds depth to her story and invites reflection on the role of faith in public service. As voters in Missouri prepare to cast their ballots, they will weigh not only Bush’s political platform but also the personal journey that has shaped her into the public figure she is today.