
Donald Trump and his allies have been vocal about their concerns regarding a supposed coup, which seems to stem more from frustration than anything else. The campaign had been gearing up to face Joe Biden for two years, focusing on his frailty and mental acuity as major issues. However, they are now faced with a different challenge – Kamala Harris, an energetic 59-year-old vice president who has not been fully defined in the same way that presidential nominees usually are at this point in the campaign.

Trump’s recent interview with Laura Ingraham touched on the idea of a coup against the President of the United States, referring to the shift from Biden to Harris as unprecedented and unjust. However, it’s important to note that Harris emerged as the only candidate with the president’s endorsement, and no other Democrats challenged her for the position. This lack of opposition can be attributed, in part, to the potential backlash of passing over the first black woman and Asian-American woman to seek the presidency. Harris managed to secure enough delegates to win in just 32 hours, leaving her uncontested.

The battle to define Harris’ image over the next few weeks will play a crucial role in determining the success of her candidacy. Her opponents, such as JD Vance, have already started to attack her, calling her “Failed. Weak. Dangerously liberal.” However, Vance himself has faced criticism for controversial statements, drawing attention away from Harris’ past stances. The media’s focus on Vance’s history rather than Harris’ positions has been noted, with some viewing it as a biased approach to coverage.

In addition to the discussion around Harris, Trump also made false accusations against the president during his interview, highlighting the contentious nature of the upcoming election. With less than 100 days to go, the campaign promises to be intense and potentially divisive. The challenges of defining Harris and addressing the concerns raised by both sides will shape the narrative of the election moving forward.