
Fox News host Laura Ingraham recently expressed her concerns about the Democrats’ agenda, which she believes aims to create a society with a wealthy ruling class while leaving the rest of the population struggling for the scraps. She compared this vision to the reality in cities like Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Chicago, where there is a stark divide between the rich and powerful and the poor.

Ingraham pointed out various factors contributing to the growing budget deficit, including Biden’s immigration policies, the open border, the situation in Ukraine, student loan forgiveness, and excessive government spending. She emphasized that the budget deficit has increased significantly in a short period, reaching $408 billion since February. This trend is expected to result in an annual deficit of around $1.9 trillion, with illegal immigration playing a significant role in exacerbating the financial crisis.

The Fox News host warned that the Democrats’ disregard for the economic consequences of their actions could lead to the collapse of the American economy, leaving the middle class devastated while empowering a technocratic global elite. She highlighted the fact that politicians like Biden, Schumer, and Pelosi would likely be out of office by the time the full extent of the crisis becomes apparent, leaving future generations to deal with the repercussions of their policies.

Ingraham’s comments reflect a broader concern about the direction in which the country is headed under the current administration. The growing budget deficit and the impact of immigration policies on the economy are subjects of increasing debate and scrutiny. It remains to be seen how these issues will be addressed in the coming months and years, and what implications they may have for the future of the United States.