
The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, which focuses on state legislative races, has launched a $10 million campaign to raise awareness and support for state legislative races across the country. This investment is part of a larger $60 million target for the 2024 cycle, with the goal of not only helping candidates but also emphasizing the importance of controlling state legislatures.

The funding will be distributed to party caucuses in key swing states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Surprisingly, the traditionally red state of Kansas is also included in the list, as Democrats aim to break the Republican supermajorities there. This would give the Democratic governor, Laura Kelly, more power to veto legislation without the risk of being overridden.

In addition to supporting specific candidates, the campaign will also feature a public-facing website that highlights various candidates running for state legislative positions. This effort extends to solidly Republican states like Idaho and Oklahoma, where Democrats are working towards long-term progress.

The overall message of the campaign is to remind voters that state legislatures play a crucial role in shaping policies that directly impact their lives. Issues such as abortion, voting access, gun laws, LGBTQ rights, and economic programs like paid leave are often decided at the state level. The outcome of state legislative races could either amplify or limit the impact of a potential second Trump administration or a victory for President Biden.

Heather Williams, the president of the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, emphasized the urgency of paying attention to state-level politics, regardless of the outcome of federal elections. She warned against the influence of the “dangerous MAGA Republican agenda” in statehouses and stressed the need for active engagement in local politics.

The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the significance of state legislative races and their impact on everyday issues that matter to Americans. By investing early and extensively in state races, Democrats hope to shift the balance of power in key states and promote policies that align with their values. As the 2024 election cycle unfolds, the outcome of these state legislative races could have far-reaching implications for the future of the country.