
A heartwarming video recently surfaced showing a dog owner in Bangkok, Thailand, saving her choking French bulldog with the Heimlich maneuver. The woman was in the kitchen when she noticed her pet choking on a piece of apple and quickly sprang into action.

In the video, the dog can be seen falling to the ground, shaking, and struggling to breathe. The owner immediately checked the dog’s mouth and performed the Heimlich maneuver, successfully dislodging the apple and saving her pet’s life.

To shed some light on this heroic act, Fox News Digital spoke with Dr. Nell Ostermeier, a veterinarian from Portland, Oregon, for her expert opinion on what to do in such a situation. Dr. Ostermeier emphasized the importance of first confirming whether your dog is choking or having a seizure, as the two conditions can sometimes be confused.

She advised pet owners to check for signs like a blue tongue, lips, or skin, which indicate that the animal is choking on an object. In such cases, she recommended trying the Heimlich maneuver to dislodge the obstruction. Dr. Ostermeier also highlighted the different techniques for performing the Heimlich maneuver on dogs of various sizes.

For medium to large dogs, she suggested having the pet stand up while using a fist with the thumb on the abdomen to thrust upwards and forwards three to five times. On the other hand, for smaller dogs, she recommended picking them up and using the palm of the hand to perform the maneuver on their abdomen.

The veterinarian also stressed the importance of monitoring household items that could pose a choking hazard to pets, including toys and small objects that may be within reach. She advised pet owners to ensure that chew toys and balls are appropriately sized for their dogs to prevent choking incidents.

Additionally, Dr. Ostermeier encouraged pet owners to assess the situation before resorting to the Heimlich maneuver, considering factors like eating habits, chewing behavior, and signs of distress. While the Heimlich maneuver can be a life-saving technique, she noted that it should be performed correctly to avoid causing harm to the pet.

In conclusion, the heartwarming story of the dog owner saving her pet with the Heimlich maneuver serves as a reminder of the importance of being prepared for emergencies involving pets. By staying vigilant, monitoring their environment, and knowing how to respond in critical situations, pet owners can ensure the safety and well-being of their furry companions.