
Elon Musk’s $46 Billion Pay Package: Impact on His Descent

Elon Musk is not your typical Silicon Valley billionaire. While many of his peers have found success by being in the right place at the right time and sticking to what they know, Musk has truly changed the world.

His goal was to accelerate the decarbonization of human civilization’s energy, and he did just that by driving Tesla to become a leader in the electric vehicle industry. Despite some overpromising, Tesla’s performance as a technology innovator has been nothing short of remarkable.

However, things took a turn in 2018 when Tesla introduced a controversial pay package for Musk that tied his compensation to the company’s stock price performance rather than the quality or affordability of the cars they were producing. This move, which shareholders recently reapproved, could potentially earn Musk a staggering $46 billion.

This pay package, in my opinion, has not been beneficial for Musk or Tesla. It has contributed to Musk’s transformation from a visionary business leader to what some might describe as a “bizarre carnival barker.” The incentives created by this pay structure may have hindered Tesla’s progress in the fight against global warming.

To understand Musk’s descent, we can look at the concept of meme stocks, using GameStop as an example. The stock price of GameStop skyrocketed in early 2021, driven in part by Musk’s tweet about the company. This frenzy highlights the power of social media and the unpredictable nature of the stock market.

Overall, Musk’s $46 billion pay package raises questions about the alignment of incentives in the business world and the impact it can have on both individuals and companies. As we continue to see how this unfolds, it’s important to consider the broader implications for the future of Tesla and the fight against climate change.