
R.O. Kwon, an accomplished author, draws strength and comfort from two jade rings passed down to her by her mother. These rings, which hold a deep connection to her ancestors, serve as a source of inspiration for Ms. Kwon as she delves into the complexities of questioning long-held beliefs in her writing.

Ms. Kwon, who once considered a career as a Christian pastor or religious recluse, experienced a shift in her beliefs during her teenage years, leading her to explore themes of faith, desire, and identity in her novels. Her debut novel, “The Incendiaries,” grappled with the nuances of religion, while her latest work, “Exhibit,” delves into hidden desires, including queer and kinky desires that are often marginalized in society.

In a recent interview, Ms. Kwon shared the significance of the jade rings she wears. These double jade rings were originally gifted to her mother on her wedding day by her mother-in-law. Throughout Ms. Kwon’s childhood, her mother only wore the rings on rare occasions, such as her daughter’s wedding, emphasizing the special and sacred nature of these heirlooms.

The presence of these ancestral jade rings serves as a grounding force for Ms. Kwon as she navigates the creative process of writing. The physical connection to her past through these rings provides her with a sense of strength and continuity, allowing her to explore her innermost thoughts and emotions with a sense of rootedness and stability.

As Ms. Kwon continues to push the boundaries of literary exploration, she remains grateful for the tangible link to her heritage that the jade rings represent. Through her writing, she seeks to challenge societal norms and celebrate diverse forms of desire, all while drawing inspiration from the rich history and traditions embodied in these precious family heirlooms.