
A former ballerina named Ashley Benefield has been found guilty of manslaughter in the infamous “Black Swan murder” case. The jury in Manatee County, Florida reached the verdict on Tuesday night. Initially, Benefield was charged with second-degree murder after the death of her husband in 2020.

Benefield claimed that she shot her husband, Doug Benefield, in self-defense after he punched her during a domestic dispute. She invoked Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law, which allows the use of deadly force without retreating to prevent death or serious injury.

Ashley and Doug lived separately in Florida, with Ashley having moved there to live with her mother after becoming pregnant in Charleston, South Carolina. Their relationship was tumultuous, with Ashley accusing Doug of psychological abuse in an attempt to gain sole custody of their daughter. These allegations were not proven.

During the trial, Doug’s family attorney testified about the custody battle between the couple. Ashley had accused Doug of poisoning her with heavy metals during pregnancy, firing a gun in their home, and even hitting their dog. The attorney referred to Ashley as both the innocent White Swan and the evil Black Swan.

Following the verdict, Doug’s daughter from a previous marriage, Eva Benefield, expressed relief and satisfaction on social media. She mentioned that her father finally received the justice he deserved after four years of waiting.

The sentencing date for Ashley Benefield has not been scheduled yet. The trial, known as the “Black Swan murder” case, gained significant attention and was closely followed by the public. The case highlighted the complexities of domestic disputes and the legal implications of self-defense claims in such situations.