
Republican Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn led the panel that crafted the Republican National Committee’s 2024 platform, calling it concise and aimed at attracting more Americans to the party. The platform, titled “2024 GOP PLATFORM: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!,” consists of 16 pages and outlines 20 promises related to sealing the border, ending inflation, and uniting the country for success. Blackburn emphasized that the platform addresses key voter concerns that former President Trump has heard from the American people.

The platform was approved by the Platform Committee in an 84-12 vote, with Trump personally providing input and approval. Blackburn highlighted that the platform was designed to be simple, specific, and easy to read, in contrast to previous lengthy party platforms. The focus was on addressing issues that directly impact the American people, rather than countering Democratic disarray or targeting President Biden specifically.

The platform only mentions abortion once, emphasizing the preservation of life and returning power to the states to develop laws surrounding abortion. This approach was influenced by the 2022 Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade and shifted responsibility for abortion legislation to individual states. The platform also addresses defending religious liberty, protecting free speech, and ending what Blackburn referred to as “left-wing gender insanity.”

Former President Trump endorsed the platform as a forward-looking agenda that prioritizes putting America first. He praised Blackburn and Florida Rep. Michael Waltz for their work in crafting the platform. Trump emphasized the need for determined Republican leadership to address core threats such as the open border, economic challenges, inflation, energy production, and national security.

The platform will undergo a full vote before being officially approved at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Blackburn expressed confidence that the platform will resonate with Americans and attract more individuals to the Republican Party. The document is dedicated to the forgotten men and women of America and focuses on common-sense solutions to the issues that impact citizens daily.

Overall, the 2024 GOP platform aims to provide a clear and concise vision for the party, addressing key concerns and outlining promises for the future. By focusing on simplicity, specificity, and direct relevance to American voters, the platform seeks to differentiate the Republican Party and attract more support in the upcoming election.