
Greece has denied the recent allegations made by a new report regarding the mistreatment of migrants by its coast guard. The report, published by the BBC, claimed that 43 migrants, including nine who were thrown into the water, drowned in 15 incidents off Greece’s eastern Aegean Sea islands between 2020 and 2023. Greek government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis refuted these claims, stating that there is no evidence to support them.

Despite the accusations, Greece remains a major entry point for migrants from various regions seeking refuge in the European Union. The country’s coast guard and police have been accused by migrant charities and human rights groups of illegally preventing migrants from seeking asylum by returning them to Turkish waters. However, Greece has defended its actions, stating that its border forces have saved hundreds of thousands of migrants from dangerous situations.

In June 2023, Greece faced further scrutiny when a fishing vessel carrying an estimated 750 people sank off its southwestern coast. With only 104 survivors, questions were raised about the Greek coast guard’s handling of the situation. Survivors claimed that the vessel sank after a failed attempt by the coast guard to tow it. Despite these claims, Greek authorities denied any wrongdoing.

The BBC report also included testimonies from migrants who alleged mistreatment by the Greek coast guard. One Cameroonian man claimed that he and two others were picked up by masked individuals, including policemen, upon landing on the island of Samos. He stated that they were put in a coast guard boat and thrown into the sea, resulting in the death of the other two men. Another Syrian man recounted being picked up by the Greek coast guard off Rhodes, put in life rafts, and left adrift in Turkish waters, where several individuals died before being rescued by the Turkish coast guard.

Marinakis emphasized that it is unfair to target the Greek coast guard based on unverified claims. He reiterated that every report and investigation is monitored, but stressed that the allegations in the BBC report lack evidence. Despite the controversy surrounding Greece’s treatment of migrants, the country continues to navigate the complex challenges of border security and humanitarian concerns in the Mediterranean region.