
Welcome to Fox News’ Politics newsletter, where we bring you the latest political news from Washington, D.C. and updates from the 2024 campaign trail. Let’s dive into what’s been happening.

Recently, a series of viral videos have been circulating, allegedly showing President Biden in a state of declining mental acuity. While White House officials have dismissed these videos as “cheap fakes,” a conservative tech expert has countered that the footage is genuinely troubling. According to the expert, the Biden message shop is working to “gaslight” social media moderators and voters by discrediting the videos.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates has been quick to respond to these accusations, stating that the critics of President Biden are threatened by the fact-checkers who have debunked their lies in the past. Bates emphasized that the videos are simply a smear tactic used by those who are unwilling to accept the truth.

On the other hand, Heritage Foundation tech researcher Jake Denton believes that the videos accurately reflect President Biden’s cognitive ability and should be assessed as they are. He urges Americans to reject the terms and buzzwords being used and to see the videos for what they truly are – damning evidence of Biden’s current state.

The Republican National Committee’s research division has also posted several videos that appear to show President Biden in a perpetual state of confusion. Despite the White House dismissing them as “cheap fakes,” the truth remains that the videos are a cause for concern.

In addition to the controversy surrounding the viral videos, there have been other significant developments in the political landscape. Vice President Harris recently received a big promotion in a mistaken ‘Queer Eye’ video caption, adding to the mix of headlines coming out of Washington, D.C.

As the 2024 campaign trail heats up, it’s essential to stay informed about the latest news and updates. Be sure to subscribe to the Fox News Politics newsletter to receive exclusive interviews, campaign trail coverage, and more directly in your inbox.

In conclusion, the political sphere is abuzz with various controversies and developments. From viral videos of President Biden to promotions for Vice President Harris, there is no shortage of news to keep up with. Stay tuned for more updates as the 2024 campaign trail continues to unfold.