
‘Tis the season for weddings, and many couples are making final arrangements for their big day. The average cost of a wedding in 2024 is $33,000, with venue and catering being the largest expenses. However, amidst all the planning, some couples are faced with the dilemma of whether to include God in their wedding.

Family therapist Dr. Roxanne Louh believes that having God at the center of a marriage is crucial. She explains that marriage involves merging two different histories, life stories, and dispositions, and without God, feelings can become divisive. Dr. Louh, along with her husband, Greek Orthodox priest Fr. Nicholas Louh, conduct marriage seminars to help couples strengthen their bond by making God the center of their union.

From a religious perspective, God designed marriage as one of the first acts of creation. The Louhs emphasize the importance of inviting God into a marriage to fulfill the purpose that He has for each individual. They believe that including God in a union can lead to a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.

Research shows that couples who regularly attend religious services are happier in their marriages and less likely to end up divorced. Despite good intentions, the divorce rate in the United States remains high, with nearly 50% of marriages ending in divorce or separation. The Louhs stress the importance of building a marriage on a foundation of faith rather than emotions.

In Greek Orthodox weddings, the ceremony is deeply spiritual, with the couple being crowned and led around the altar three times. This symbolizes their journey together as a mini Christian church and emphasizes the importance of putting the family’s best interest above personal desires. The priests play a significant role in the ceremony, acting as mediators between the couple and God.

The Louhs acknowledge that marriage requires hard work but believe that the rewards far outweigh the costs. They encourage couples to journey through life together, learning and growing as they navigate the ups and downs of marriage. By prioritizing God in their relationship, couples can build a strong foundation for a lasting and fulfilling marriage.

In conclusion, including God in a wedding can have a profound impact on a marriage. By making God the center of their union, couples can strengthen their bond, overcome challenges, and build a relationship that is rooted in faith and love. As couples prepare for their big day, they should consider the importance of inviting God into their marriage to ensure a strong and lasting relationship.