
A New York City man, Daniel Ramos, along with a group of friends, recently took action to stop a migrant who was suspected of raping a 13-year-old girl. Ramos expressed that the community is relieved and feels safer after their intervention. Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, the 25-year-old suspect, was arrested by the NYPD with the help of these Good Samaritans.

Ramos shared that Inga-Landi was a familiar face at a store near their hangout spot in Queens. When they learned about the crime, they quickly devised a plan to catch him. Several residents assisted in detaining the suspect until the police arrived. Inga-Landi was found hiding under a car and was dragged out by the cops.

The suspect confessed to kidnapping the 13-year-old girl and another boy, raping the girl, and recording the assault. Ramos emphasized the severity of the crime, stating that they were not willing to listen to any explanations Inga-Landi had to offer. The suspect faces serious charges, including rape, kidnapping, and endangering the welfare of a child, with a potential sentence of 25 years to life in prison.

Ramos, who has two daughters, expressed his strong stance against crimes involving children, especially ones as heinous as this. Inga-Landi did not enter a plea during his arraignment and was remanded without bail by the judge.

The community’s swift and decisive action in apprehending the suspect highlights the importance of citizen involvement in ensuring safety and justice. It underscores the power of collective action in protecting vulnerable individuals and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions. The courage and solidarity demonstrated by Ramos and his friends serve as an inspiration for others to stand up against injustice and safeguard their communities.