
Vice President Kamala Harris has recently expanded her campaign team by adding several top advisers, including David Plouffe, who managed Barack Obama’s first presidential run. Other new hires announced by the Harris campaign include veterans of the Obama and Hillary Clinton campaigns, such as Jennifer Palmieri, Stephanie Cutter, and Mitch Stewart. These new additions to the team will report to Jen O’Malley Dillon, the campaign chair who has been leading the Harris campaign since Mr. Biden dropped out of the race.

Brian Nelson, a Treasury Department official who previously worked for Ms. Harris when she was the attorney general of California, will serve as the campaign’s senior adviser for policy. The campaign is thrilled to have these experienced leaders join the team, as they have a proven track record of winning close elections. Sheila Nix, a senior adviser to the campaign, emphasized that these new additions reflect Vice President Harris’s commitment to building a strong team that will ensure victory.

The addition of David Plouffe to the campaign team has been highly anticipated since Ms. Harris entered the race. It is expected that he will bring valuable expertise and fill the void left by some of Mr. Biden’s advisers who are not as involved in the campaign now. Anita Dunn, for example, will be joining the pro-Harris super PAC Future Forward. This strategic move aims to strengthen the campaign and further solidify Vice President Harris’s path to victory.

The reshaping of the campaign hierarchy reflects Vice President Harris’s determination to surround herself with a team of seasoned professionals who understand her vision and have a proven ability to win elections. The new advisers bring a wealth of experience from past presidential campaigns, and their expertise will be crucial in navigating the challenges of the upcoming election. With this strengthened team, Vice President Harris is well-positioned to lead a successful campaign and secure a victory in the race for the presidency.