
The murder trial of Karen Read has captured the attention of many, as she is accused of deliberately running over her boyfriend, a Boston police officer, and leaving him to die. The jury has been deliberating this week, and the case has been surrounded by allegations of a police cover-up by her defense team.

The incident took place in January 2022, when Karen Read and her boyfriend, John O’Keefe, were out drinking with friends in Canton, Massachusetts. They ended up at a late-night party at a fellow Boston police officer’s house, where a confrontation between the couple allegedly led to Ms. Read backing her vehicle into Officer O’Keefe before driving away, leaving him in the snow outside the party.

The case has sparked a “Free Karen Read” movement in Boston, with supporters gathering outside the courthouse dressed in pink to show their belief that she was framed. The trial has been closely followed by a Boston blogger known as Turtleboy, who has been charged with harassing and intimidating witnesses in support of Ms. Read.

Officer O’Keefe was found unresponsive in the snow the morning after the incident, suffering from severe head injuries and hypothermia. Despite Ms. Read’s claims that she frantically searched for him after waking up on his couch and realizing he hadn’t returned home, she was arrested three days later and pleaded not guilty to charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter.

The trial has brought to light the complex relationships and evidence involved in the case, leaving the jury to deliberate on the fate of Karen Read. The outcome of the trial will have significant implications for both the accused and the supporters who believe in her innocence.