
Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann criticized the Associated Press for their coverage of former President Trump’s recent visit with GOP lawmakers. Olbermann took to social media to express his outrage, calling for the firing of all AP reporters involved in the article. He accused the AP of promoting biased and compromised propaganda in favor of Trump.

The AP article described Trump’s return to Capitol Hill as “triumphant,” highlighting the warm reception he received from Republican lawmakers. Olbermann, however, was quick to denounce the piece as a one-sided portrayal of the event. He compared the AP’s reporting to the propaganda tactics of Adolf Hitler’s minister, Joseph Goebbels, suggesting that the article was misleading and dangerous.

Despite Olbermann’s strong reaction, the AP stood by their reporting, emphasizing Trump’s interactions with Republican leaders regarding key policy issues such as Social Security, Medicare, border security, crime, and tax rates. Trump himself expressed satisfaction with the discussions, emphasizing unity and a shared goal of making America great again.

Olbermann’s vocal criticism of Trump is nothing new, as he has been a consistent and outspoken critic of the former President for years. His disdain for Trump even led him to move out of a luxury apartment building owned by Trump. In the past, Olbermann faced backlash for using an image of himself draped in the American flag, which violated U.S. flag code, in his anti-Trump book.

Despite his controversial past, Olbermann continues to use his platform to speak out against Trump and his supporters. His decision to leave ESPN in order to focus on critiquing Trump on YouTube and social media underscores his commitment to challenging the former President’s rhetoric and policies.

While Olbermann’s fiery rhetoric may draw criticism from some, his unwavering dedication to holding those in power accountable remains a driving force in his work. As political tensions continue to run high, voices like Olbermann’s serve as a reminder of the importance of a free and independent press in a democracy.