
Throughout the Bible, there are valuable lessons that fathers can learn from when it comes to their role in the family. Rev. Hans Fiene, a pastor from Missouri and a father of five, shared some insights on the importance of earthly fathers reflecting the love of our Heavenly Father.

In the book of Ephesians, St. Paul mentions that every family in heaven and on earth is named after the Father. This concept might be challenging to grasp, but Fiene believes that it signifies God’s intention for earthly fathers to mirror the love and care of our Heavenly Father. When fathers show protection, love, and sacrifice for their children, they are paving the way for their children to understand the unconditional love of God.

On the contrary, when fathers fail to demonstrate love and are harsh or distant, it can hinder a child’s ability to comprehend the concept of a loving God. The relationship between a child and their earthly father can influence how they view their relationship with their Heavenly Father.

Fiene emphasizes the importance of fathers showing love and care for their children to instill in them the understanding of God’s love. He acknowledges that not everyone has experienced a loving relationship with their earthly father, which can make it challenging to believe in the love of a Heavenly Father. However, he encourages those who have been hurt by their fathers to seek healing in the infinite love of Jesus Christ.

The pastor also mentions that it is not arrogant to believe that a God who created the universe also cares deeply for each individual. He draws from his personal experience of witnessing his father’s love and care every day, which reinforced his faith in a loving God.

As Father’s Day approaches, Fiene prays that all fathers can embody the love of the Heavenly Father in their relationships with their children. He hopes that through their actions and words, children can see the reflection of God’s love in their fathers.

In conclusion, the role of fathers in demonstrating love, protection, and sacrifice is vital in shaping a child’s understanding of God’s love. By nurturing a loving relationship with their children, fathers can help them comprehend the depth of God’s love and sacrifice. This Father’s Day, let us reflect on the lessons from the Bible and strive to be loving and caring fathers who mirror the love of our Heavenly Father.