
Canada’s Failure in Addressing Violence Against Indigenous Women

Canada has failed in its efforts to combat violence against indigenous women, which was labeled as a “genocide” by a national inquiry five years ago, lamented Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak, the chief of the Assembly of First Nations in the country.

Out of the 231 recommendations in the report, only two have been implemented, according to the Assembly of First Nations (AFN). “It is difficult to see such results today,” stated Cindy Woodhouse Nepinak during a press conference in Ottawa, emphasizing that for the majority of the requests, “little to no progress” has been made.

“This failure is not acceptable for our people. I hope it is also not acceptable for other Canadians,” she underscored, calling for “more political will.” In 2019, after two years of investigation, a national commission classified the thousands of murders and disappearances of indigenous women (Dene, Mohawks, Ojibway, Cree, and Algonquin…) in Canada as a “genocide.”

These indigenous women face disproportionately high levels of violence due to the “actions and inactions of the State rooted in colonialism” and “a presumption of superiority,” concluded the commission. In response, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged for “real change.”

However, “the killings and violence have not ceased,” lamented Cindy Woodhouse…

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