
Black voters in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, play a crucial role in the upcoming election. Despite making up only 5 percent of the electorate in the state, their votes could be the deciding factor in this swing state where every vote counts. We visited the Milwaukee area, which is home to a significant Black population, and spoke with many residents about the issues that matter most to them.

Residents expressed frustration over the state of Milwaukee’s public schools, the high levels of crime, and the ongoing racial inequalities that impact housing and employment opportunities in the city. Many feel disillusioned by national politics and believe that little progress has been made for Black families in Milwaukee over the past four years. Some are even questioning whether they should bother voting in the November election.

Recent polls have shown a decline in Black support for the Democratic party, and former President Donald J. Trump has been trying to appeal to Black voters by highlighting economic concerns and portraying his time in office as a time of peace and prosperity. The Republican National Convention, which kicked off on Monday, will give voters in Milwaukee a closer look at Mr. Trump and his platform.

For Milwaukee, a city that has struggled to redefine itself after losing its status as a manufacturing powerhouse, the convention could bring an economic boost. This is especially important as the city continues to face challenges in finding its new identity and place in the country.

As the election approaches, Black voters in Milwaukee are facing tough decisions about where to place their loyalties. The outcome of the election could have a significant impact on their lives and the future of their city. It is essential for all voters, especially those in marginalized communities, to carefully consider the issues at stake and make informed decisions at the polls.