
Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States, delivered a powerful speech at the American Federation of Teachers convention in Houston. She has a long history of supporting teachers’ unions, even when her positions have caused divisions within the Democratic party.

Back in 2019, when she was a U.S. senator considering a presidential run, Harris stood with teachers during a strike in Los Angeles, a move that put her at odds with other Democrats who were in favor of expanding charter school options. During her unsuccessful 2020 primary campaign, she proposed a significant increase in teacher salaries, which was met with enthusiasm by the unions.

During her current campaign, Harris has made teachers a focal point. At a recent rally in Wisconsin, she was introduced by an educator whose student debt had been forgiven through the Biden administration’s loan forgiveness program for public service workers.

The American Federation of Teachers, led by Randi Weingarten, a prominent figure in Democratic politics, endorsed Harris shortly after President Biden withdrew from the race. In Houston, Harris addressed educators who overwhelmingly support her candidacy and oppose the education priorities of the Republican party, particularly efforts to ban certain books and limit discussions on race and gender in schools.

Weingarten, in her opening speech at the convention, criticized the education policies of former President Trump and his education secretary, Betsy DeVos, a billionaire known for her advocacy of private-school vouchers.

Harris’ speech resonated with the audience, highlighting the importance of supporting teachers and investing in education. She emphasized the need to prioritize the well-being of educators and students, promising to work towards better pay and resources for schools.

As the event concluded, teachers expressed their appreciation for Harris’ unwavering support and commitment to their cause. The Vice President’s stance on education issues has solidified her standing as a champion for teachers and a key ally of the labor movement.