
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel delivered a strong defense of his country’s military campaign in Gaza during a speech to Congress. He emphasized the importance of Israel’s security in relation to the United States, stating that their enemies are shared, and their victory will benefit both nations. This speech comes at a time when criticism of Israel’s actions in Gaza is growing, both internationally and domestically.

Despite the bipartisan invitation to address Congress, there were clear divisions in the House chamber during Netanyahu’s speech. Many Democratic members, including high-ranking officials like Representative Nancy Pelosi and two senators, boycotted the speech. Vice President Kamala Harris also did not preside over the session, citing a scheduling conflict. Representative Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian American, even held up a sign calling Netanyahu a “war criminal” and accusing him of genocide.

This event highlights the shifting landscape of support for Israel within Congress, as longstanding bipartisan consensus on the issue is beginning to erode. Netanyahu’s speech was seen as an attempt to boost his political standing, both in Israel and on the international stage, amidst growing criticism of his government’s actions in Gaza.

The speech also emphasized the strategic importance of Israel in countering Iran, with Netanyahu linking Israel’s security directly to that of the United States. By addressing Congress, he sought to reaffirm the strong ties between the two nations and garner support for Israel’s military campaign.

As tensions continue to rise in the region and criticism of Israel’s actions mounts, Netanyahu’s speech served as a powerful defense of his country’s policies. The event itself, with its notable absences and protests, reflects the deep divisions and challenges faced by Israel on the international stage. It remains to be seen how this speech will impact relations between Israel and the United States moving forward.