
On a sunny afternoon in May, Zachary Galante, along with several other young men, gathered in a conference room at St. Francis de Sales Seminary to discuss their decision to become Catholic priests in 2024. The next day, they would pledge lifelong commitments to celibacy and obedience, filled with excitement for the path ahead.

Deacon Galante, soon to be Father Galante, expressed his belief in the beauty of the priestly life. He and his fellow new priests felt a calling to embrace and promote the Catholic faith wholeheartedly, without hesitation. They acknowledged that the church had perhaps previously shied away from fully embracing its Catholic identity, but they were determined to proudly proclaim their faith, even in a world that may not always be receptive.

In the midst of significant divisions and controversies within the American Catholic Church, a trend has emerged among newly ordained priests: a strong inclination towards conservatism in their beliefs, practices, and political views. According to Brad Vermurlen, an assistant professor of sociology at the University of St. Thomas, recent cohorts of priests, particularly those ordained since 2010, exhibit a notably conservative stance. Surveys have shown that each successive generation of priests in the U.S. is increasingly conservative compared to its predecessors, marking a significant shift in the demographics of the priesthood.

These newer priests hold more conservative views on various issues, such as the morality of homosexual behavior and the role of women in the church. Father Zachary Galante’s statement, “The church is Catholic, and so we should announce that joyfully,” reflects the prevailing sentiment among these young priests who are eager to uphold and celebrate their Catholic identity without reservation.

The rise of a new generation of Catholic priests who are confident in their conservative beliefs and committed to traditional practices signals a shift in the landscape of the priesthood. Despite the challenges and controversies facing the church, these young priests are unwavering in their dedication to serving their faith and community. Their enthusiasm and steadfastness offer hope for the future of the Catholic Church in America, as they embrace tradition and strive to bring renewed vigor to their ministry.