
A recent discovery in Israel may corroborate an epic biblical account of an angel of the Lord wiping out 185,000 Assyrian soldiers, an independent scholar claims. Stephen Compton, an independent scholar specializing in Near Eastern archaeology, utilized a modern mapping technique to find the discovery of ancient Assyrian military camps dating back to circa 700 B.C. The discovery, detailed in Assyrian texts, Greek histories, and the Hebrew Bible, could validate the biblical account of 2 Kings 19:35; Isaiah 37: 36-38 and 2 Chronicles, 32:21.

Stone panels from the walls of the Assyrian Emperor Sennacherib’s palace show his military camp with 24 guard towers along the camp’s perimeter wall, indicating a substantial fortification. The scholar detailed his finds in the journal Near Eastern Archaeology and shared the historical significance with Fox News Digital. Compton matched the landscape to the relief in Assyrian King Sennacherib’s palace and used early aerial photographs of Lachish to pinpoint the site of the military camp.

The oval shape of Assyrian King Sennacherib’s military camp helped narrow down Compton’s research. By overlaying the relief image with recognizable landscape features and early photographs from World War II, he was able to confirm the location of the ruins of Sennacherib’s camp.

Compton hopes that an archaeological excavation team will investigate the site to provide additional information and shed more light on the historical context of Sennacherib’s invasion camp. The discovery of this camp adds an exciting dimension to our understanding of ancient history and biblical events.

The significance of this discovery lies in its potential to validate a specific biblical account and provide tangible evidence of historical events described in ancient texts. By combining modern mapping techniques with historical research, scholars like Compton are able to unravel the mysteries of the past and bring ancient civilizations to life through their discoveries.

The confirmation of the location of Sennacherib’s military camp opens up new possibilities for further exploration and excavation. Archaeologists and historians alike are eager to uncover more details about this significant site and learn more about the Assyrian Empire’s military strategies and conquests.

As we continue to delve into the annals of history, discoveries like these remind us of the rich tapestry of human civilization and the enduring legacy of ancient cultures. The meticulous work of scholars and researchers in piecing together the puzzle of the past allows us to glimpse moments in time long gone but not forgotten.

In the quest for knowledge and understanding, each new discovery adds a layer to our collective understanding of the world and the civilizations that have shaped it. The revelations brought about by the discovery of the Assyrian military camp serve as a testament to the enduring power of archaeological research and the importance of preserving our shared heritage for future generations.