
Olympic Wrestler Gable Steveson Learning from Mentor Von Miller in Transition to Bills

Olympic gold medalist wrestler Gable Steveson is facing a challenging transition as he aims to secure a spot on the Buffalo Bills roster. However, he has found a valuable mentor in Von Miller, the eight-time Pro Bowl pass rusher.

Upon signing with the Bills, Steveson wasted no time approaching Miller to express his desire to absorb all of Miller’s knowledge. Miller shared, “His locker is right next to mine, and right when we signed him he texted me like, ‘I’m going to be on your hip, my locker is right next to yours.’ I said, ‘Alright, it’s cool.’ But it didn’t really hit me until we’re in there talking to him and he’s just now playing football, learning some of the stuff that we did when we were kids. He has to be on an accelerated learning path, which he’s capable of doing.”

Miller further praised Steveson’s athletic prowess, noting his quick reflexes and impressive physical abilities during their initial interactions. Drawing parallels, Miller highlighted former NCAA heavyweight champion Stephen Neal’s successful transition from wrestling to the NFL, hinting at Steveson’s potential to carve out a similar career path.

As Steveson navigates the unfamiliar terrain of professional football, his dedication to learning from seasoned veterans like Miller bodes well for his future in the NFL. The stage is set for Steveson to follow in the footsteps of those who have seamlessly transitioned from wrestling to football, making a mark on the field with his exceptional talent.