
An expert on Parkinson’s disease from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center visited the White House multiple times over the past year, according to official visitor logs. Dr. Kevin Cannard, a neurologist specializing in movement disorders, visited the White House at least eight times between July 2023 and March 2024.

The purpose of Dr. Cannard’s visits to the White House is not entirely clear. It is uncertain whether he was there specifically to consult about President Biden or if his visits were part of general meetings with the White House medical team. Dr. Cannard’s LinkedIn profile indicates that he has been supporting the White House Medical Unit for over 12 years, spanning multiple administrations.

Records from the Obama administration show that Dr. Cannard made several visits during that time, including during President Biden’s tenure as vice president. However, visitor records from the Trump administration are not available due to the rescinding of the voluntary disclosure policy. Dr. Cannard did not respond to requests for comment, and the White House did not provide specific details about the nature of his recent visits.

A White House spokesman stated that the president undergoes an annual physical checkup, including a visit to a neurologist, which has not shown any signs of Parkinson’s disease. President Biden is not currently receiving treatment for Parkinson’s, and there have been no visits from neurologists besides those conducted as part of his yearly checkup.

Overall, the visits of Dr. Cannard to the White House raise questions about his role in the medical care of President Biden and the administration’s approach to managing potential health issues. As the public seeks transparency regarding the president’s health, the White House’s response to inquiries about Dr. Cannard’s visits underscores the importance of clear communication and accountability in matters concerning the president’s well-being.

In light of these developments, it is essential for the White House to provide more detailed information about the medical professionals involved in the president’s care and the protocols in place to address any health concerns that may arise. Transparency and openness regarding the president’s health are crucial to maintaining public trust and confidence in the administration’s ability to effectively address any medical issues that may impact the president’s performance in office.