Spending your entire career in one and the same company is becoming increasingly rare today. Need for development, to change jobs, to learn new things or to live from your passion… There are many reasons for professional retraining. Certainly, a professional retraining must be carefully considered. However, by listening too much to their fears, doubts and ready-made ideas, you risk missing out on a real professional renewal, in which you can flourish. Giving a second wind to your career requires asking the right questions, then establishing a real project, step by step, in order to eliminate all uncertainty and limit failures. Because yes, a retraining is being prepared: choice of profession, skills assessment, upgrading via possible training, financial aid… All avenues must be explored.
Moreover, according to a report by France competences, published recently, a third of the working people would have made the choice of retraining during their career. The phenomenon has tended to expand since the start of the health crisis and the generalization of telework. More and more assets more and more assets re-prioritized. The meaning of work, the balance between professional and personal life or the conditions of exercise were an integral part of their questioning.
Today, many support and financing schemes are offered to those who wish to start learning a new profession or creating their own business. Why not take advantage of it, if you are in the same vein?
If you are a job seeker, do not hesitate to turn to Pôle Emploi to check the aid you can claim. You can also use your CPF account.
To take the plunge, free yourself from the preconceived ideas listed in our slideshow below, which can unnecessarily block your action.