
Michael Morin, the brother of Rachel Morin who was allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant, shared his memories of his sister, describing her as a loving mother of five who brought joy to everyone around her. Rachel was tragically killed on a hiking trail in Maryland last August. Her alleged killer, Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, was arrested in Oklahoma over the weekend and is facing charges of first-degree rape and murder.

Sheriff Jeff Gahler of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office revealed that Martinez-Hernandez had entered the country illegally in February 2023 after reportedly committing a murder in El Salvador. He is also linked to a home invasion in Los Angeles. This devastating incident has once again highlighted the dangers posed by failed immigration policies, with Gahler emphasizing that American citizens are not safe due to these shortcomings.

Michael Morin expressed his frustration upon learning that his sister’s alleged killer was an illegal immigrant. He found it difficult to come to terms with this fact, as it was something he had feared could happen. When asked what he would say to President Biden if given the chance, Morin’s response indicated the depth of his emotions regarding the situation.

In response to the tragic event, a White House spokesperson offered condolences to Rachel Morin’s family and refrained from commenting on the ongoing law enforcement investigation. Morin, who described his sister as incredibly funny and full of life, is determined to keep her memory alive for his future niece, who is expected to be born later this year.

Despite not being politically inclined, Morin expressed his intention to cast his vote in the upcoming November elections. The loss of his sister has undoubtedly left a lasting impact on him and his family, underscoring the need for justice to be served in cases such as these. The community has been shaken by this senseless act of violence, prompting calls for greater accountability and protection for all individuals, regardless of their immigration status.