
Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to visit North Korea for talks with its leader, Kim Jong Un, as the two nations continue to strengthen their relationship. This upcoming meeting marks a significant development in the history of Russia-North Korea relations.

The history between Russia and North Korea dates back to the year 2000 when Putin first visited North Korea and met with Kim Jong Il, the father of the current North Korean leader. Since then, there have been several key events that have shaped the relationship between the two countries.

One significant event was when North Korea supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. This move led to Russia and China vetoing further sanctions on North Korea, causing a public split within the U.N. Security Council for the first time.

In April 2019, Putin and Kim Jong Un held their first summit in Vladivostok, marking a new era of cooperation between the two nations. However, in February 2020, North Korea closed its borders with Russia and China due to the COVID-19 pandemic, causing difficulties for Russian diplomats.

Fast forward to September 2023, Kim Jong Un visited the Russian Far East for a second summit with Putin. During this meeting, they discussed military cooperation, the conflict in Ukraine, and Russian assistance for North Korea’s satellite program.

In November 2023, North Korea successfully launched its first spy satellite into orbit, leading to speculation that Russia may have provided technical assistance. However, tensions escalated in January 2024 when the U.S. accused Russia of using short-range ballistic missiles sourced from North Korea in attacks against Ukraine.

As a result of these developments, Russia vetoed the renewal of the U.N. panel monitoring sanctions on North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs in March 2024. Subsequently, the U.S. and Britain imposed sanctions on Russian entities allegedly involved in arms transfers with North Korea in May 2024.

Looking ahead, Putin is scheduled to make his second visit to North Korea in June 2024, underscoring the continued efforts to strengthen the ties between the two nations. The outcome of this upcoming meeting could have significant implications for the future of Russia-North Korea relations and the broader geopolitical landscape.

Overall, the evolving relationship between Russia and North Korea reflects the complex dynamics at play in international politics. As Putin and Kim Jong Un prepare to meet once again, the world will be watching closely to see how their discussions shape the future of these two countries’ interactions.