
Russia has expressed its willingness to engage in dialogue with the United States, but with the condition that the discussions cover all aspects, including the conflict in Ukraine. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov emphasized the importance of comprehensive talks that address a wide range of issues, not just individual segments.

The U.S., on the other hand, maintains that negotiations regarding the war in Ukraine should be handled directly by Ukraine itself, rather than involving other parties. This difference in perspective has been a point of contention between the two countries.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent actions, such as signing a mutual defense agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and considering supplying Russian weapons to North Korea in response to Western arming of Ukraine, have raised concerns in the international community. Additionally, Putin mentioned the possibility of revising Russia’s doctrine on the use of nuclear weapons, highlighting the pressing need for security discussions.

As the current arms control treaty that limits the deployment of strategic nuclear warheads by Russia and the United States is set to expire in 2026, the issue of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation becomes even more critical. Both countries must engage in constructive dialogue to address these challenges and ensure global security.

The growing list of topics that need to be discussed between Russia and the United States underscores the complexity of the current geopolitical landscape. From conflicts in Ukraine to nuclear proliferation, there are numerous issues that require immediate attention and resolution.

Overall, the need for dialogue between Russia and the United States is essential to prevent further escalation of tensions and promote peace and stability on a global scale. It is crucial for both countries to engage in open, honest, and comprehensive discussions to address the multitude of challenges they face in the current security environment.