
A new bill on artificial intelligence deepfakes, known as the No Fakes Act, has been introduced by a group of bipartisan senators. This bill aims to protect actors’ and citizens’ likenesses from unauthorized digital replicas. Fran Drescher, the president of SAG-AFTRA, expressed her support for the bill, calling it a “huge win” for performers whose livelihoods depend on their likeness.

The Motion Picture Association, which represents major studios like Netflix and Disney, also praised the bill for establishing federal protections against harmful uses of digital replicas while respecting First Amendment rights and creative freedoms. The bill has garnered unprecedented support from various stakeholders in the entertainment industry, including tech companies like OpenAI and IBM.

The bill proposes penalties for individuals or companies that produce, host, or share unauthorized digital replicas, including generative AI-created replicas. This move is crucial to address the growing issue of deepfakes impacting people’s lives. The bill also aims to establish transparency in the use of AI technology and protect individuals from being falsely portrayed in digital content.

Moreover, the entertainment industry, particularly SAG-AFTRA, is still facing challenges posed by AI technology, as seen in the ongoing strike for video game performers. The union is advocating for clear protections for all performers in their contracts to address the impact of AI language.

Looking back at the Hollywood strikes from last year, Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, SAG-AFTRA’s National Executive Director, emphasized the necessity of taking preemptive action against the potential misuse of AI technology. The bill, if passed, will add another layer of protection for performers in an evolving digital landscape.

In conclusion, the No Fakes Act represents a significant step towards safeguarding individuals’ identities and creative rights in the face of advancing AI technology. By addressing the challenges posed by deepfakes and unauthorized digital replicas, this bill aims to protect performers and uphold the integrity of the entertainment industry.