
Many gun owners in the United States do not store their firearms safely, even when there are children in the home, according to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The report, based on data from eight states, revealed that a significant number of gun owners kept their weapons unlocked and loaded, despite the increasing rates of gun-related suicides and injuries among children.

Gun storage practices varied among the states included in the survey, which were Alaska, California, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, and Oklahoma. Surprisingly, in Ohio, where respondents had both children and loaded guns at home, only about a quarter reported locking their weapons, the lowest percentage among the states surveyed. On the other hand, more than 40 percent of respondents in Alaska admitted to keeping their loaded guns unlocked.

Across all eight states, approximately half of the respondents who had loaded firearms in their homes acknowledged that at least one gun was left unlocked. This trend aligns with previous studies on firearm storage behavior, indicating a concerning lack of secure gun storage practices in households with children.

The number of children dying by suicide has been increasing for over a decade, with firearm suicides among children reaching the highest rate in more than 20 years in 2022. This alarming trend has been attributed to various factors, such as the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the surge in gun sales.

Ensuring the safe storage of firearms in homes with children is crucial to preventing tragic incidents. Properly securing loaded guns can significantly reduce the risk of accidents, suicides, and injuries involving firearms. Implementing measures like storing guns in locked cabinets, using trigger locks, or investing in biometric fingerprint access cases can help prevent unauthorized access to firearms and protect children from harm.

It is essential for gun owners to prioritize safety and responsibility when it comes to storing their firearms, especially in households with children. By taking simple yet effective steps to secure loaded guns, we can create a safer environment for our families and prevent devastating consequences associated with unsafe gun storage practices. Let’s make safety a top priority when it comes to gun ownership and protect our loved ones from potential harm.