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Establishment of Department of Mental Health Services Urged by Stakeholders

A recent gathering of over 120 interdisciplinary participants focusing on the implementation of the National Mental Health Act 2021 has resulted in a strong call for the immediate establishment of a dedicated Department of Mental Health Services. The participants, who came together for a ‘Colloquium of Mental Health and the Law’, emphasized the importance of this crucial step as the first in a series of actions needed to effectively implement the Act.

During the colloquium, stakeholders also highlighted the necessity of creating a Mental Health Fund, utilizing a public-private funding model to support mental health initiatives. Additionally, there was a consensus on the importance of disseminating information about the Mental Health Act in various languages to ensure widespread understanding and compliance.

The event, organized by a coalition of mental health interest groups, brought together a diverse range of participants including patients, families, mental health professionals, legal practitioners, representatives from the Nigeria Police Force, policymakers, and health administrators. The aim was to address key issues surrounding mental health services in Nigeria and explore the implications of the new legal framework introduced by the National Mental Health Act 2021.

Task-Shifting Strategies and Education Initiatives Highlighted

One of the key outcomes of the colloquium was the recognition of the need for effective task-shifting strategies to overcome the shortage of mental health practitioners in the country. Participants also emphasized the importance of developing tailored education plans for both secondary and post-secondary institutions to increase awareness and reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Moreover, there was a strong emphasis on the inclusion of mental health education in the curricula of various institutions such as medical and law schools, police and military colleges, and continuing professional development programs. The participants stressed the importance of collaboration with traditional healers to ensure inclusive and comprehensive patient care.

Raising Awareness and Advocacy for Mental Health Rights

The participants at the colloquium also agreed on the importance of engaging religious communities, philanthropic organizations, government bodies, and educational institutions in raising awareness about mental health rights and advocating for better mental healthcare services. They highlighted the need for media engagement to promote understanding and reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues, as well as the inclusion of personal testimonies from individuals with mental health challenges to drive advocacy efforts.

In conclusion, the ‘Colloquium of Mental Health and the Law’ provided a platform for meaningful discussions, knowledge exchange, and collaboration among various stakeholders to enhance mental healthcare in Nigeria and ensure the successful implementation of the National Mental Health Act 2021.