
The U.S. Supreme Court has announced that they will review the challenge brought by the Biden administration against Tennessee’s ban on puberty blockers and transgender surgeries for minors. This case, known as U.S. v. Skrmetti, is scheduled to be argued in the upcoming term beginning in October. It marks the first time that the Supreme Court will be examining restrictions on medical interventions such as puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and surgery for minors.

Tennessee is just one of 22 states that have implemented laws prohibiting these types of medical treatments for minors. The law in Tennessee and Kentucky had been allowed to take effect by a federal appeals court while ongoing litigation continues. Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti explained, “Tennessee adopted a law that said, if you’re under 18, a doctor can’t provide you with hormone treatments or puberty blockers or gender reassignment surgery, for gender purposes.”

Actor Elliot Page, along with 56 other transgender individuals, have filed amicus briefs in opposition to the state law. The Biden administration, in their filing with the Supreme Court, pointed out that 25 states currently have laws that restrict or ban “gender-affirming medical care” for transgender youth. South Carolina recently passed a similar law.

Advocates for transgender rights are hoping that the Supreme Court will uphold the rights of transgender youth to access necessary medical care. Chase Strangio from the ACLU’s LGBTQ & HIV Project stated, “The future of countless transgender youth in this and future generations rests on this Court adhering to the facts, the Constitution, and its own modern precedent.” Tara Borelli from Lambda Legal added, “These bans represent a dangerous and discriminatory affront to the well-being of transgender youth across the country and their Constitutional right to equal protection under the law.”

It is clear that this case has significant implications for the rights and well-being of transgender youth across the country. The Supreme Court’s decision will have far-reaching consequences, and many are hopeful that the court will prioritize the rights and needs of transgender individuals in their ruling. Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.