Tag: Backstage


Diddy Accuser Claims Date Rape Drug Incident Backstage: Shocking Revelations

A woman from New York is claiming that she was drugged with a date rape drug and left on the streets of Manhattan after...

Shania Twain’s Glastonbury Set: Unveiling the Diva Demands

Shania Twain, the renowned country music artist, recently made headlines with her upcoming performance at the Glastonbury festival in the U.K. In a podcast...

Les coulisses du fiasco Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League font froid dans le...

New Behind-the-Scenes Details of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Disaster Send Chills Down the SpineReleased in February on PS5, Xbox Series S, Xbox...

[En coulisses] Les petites mains des Francofolies

Behind the Scenes: The Unsung Heroes of the FrancofoliesIn the control room of the stage in the clearing, technicians are preparing the stage setup...



Man arrested for pointing shotgun at LAPD helicopter near Chatsworth

A man was arrested for allegedly pointing a shotgun at an LAPD helicopter near Chatsworth, sparking a dramatic scene that unfolded in a residential...