The financial industry wants the war for talent win
The financial industry wants the war for talent win

Banks and insurance companies, for talent are often not the first choice of industry in which they wish to work with. The industry is aware of this. At the initiative of Febelfin & Febelfin Academy store for the industry in the hands of each other, with The Fin Challenge”. “We want to give back in a variety of talents again.”

Not so much in the financial sector, but rather from the media, it or pharma. These are often the voorkeursectoren of graduate talent. The financial crisis in more than a decade ago, the late, and still have impact. “Our industry is the major challenge for a variety of talents are back on, they are in a home, and they will also be with us to do so, as we read in his circular letter on the occasion of The Fin Challenge is an initiative of Febelfin & Febelfin Academy.

That is, the Fin Challenge is a two-day bootcamp on the 12th and 13th of september, in which more than 50 shortlisted for two days of brainstorming to come up with solutions. And, more specifically, solutions that respond to three challenges: how to attract, train and retain talent for their business.

For each of these three challenges, it will be about four or five teams in the running. Each of the four participants in each group, and those groups are very diverse. “We have members of different banks, the four large banks medium-sized banks, and nichebanken,” says Bart Corthouts, co-ordinator of the project at the Febelfin Academy. “However, we have received from those banks also have a variety of profiles. So it’s not just an HR or recruiting, but also to the bankers, IT professionals, and legal professionals will be around to the table and sit down.”

Each case will be the employees of the financial institutions with the ideas on the table. “The candidates have to choose for themselves which of these three areas during the two-day get out there and do,” says Corthouts. The result can be anything: a base for a new app, a new advertising campaign, to an improved process or a new course.” The whole thing is happening under the auspices of the innovation agency of The Forge (from the university of ghent (UGent) and a team of experts from the world of finance.