
Gay Trump voters are challenging the idea that all LGBT individuals vote Democratic, according to the Log Cabin Republicans President Charles Moran. He emphasized that President Trump is providing equal opportunities for everyone, including LGBT voters, without the need for pandering or marginalization. The Log Cabin Republicans, the nation’s oldest and largest organization of LGBT Republicans, has over 10,000 members across the country and is gaining support from various demographics, including suburban women and youths.

Moran highlighted Trump’s message of unity and policies that benefit all Americans, regardless of their background. He mentioned that Trump has made significant progress in attracting gay voters to the GOP, with the percentage of gay voters supporting Republicans doubling from 14% in 2016 to 28% in 2020. The Trump campaign emphasized that the president’s agenda aims to create a safer and more prosperous America for everyone.

In contrast, Moran criticized the Democratic Party’s virtue signaling and pandering to the LGBTQ community, noting that many individuals have become disenchanted with these tactics. He pointed out that recent events at the White House, such as a trans activist going topless during a pride month event, have turned into a mockery of genuine support for the community.

Moran argued that Trump’s policies have been more beneficial for the gay community, both domestically and internationally, compared to the Biden administration. He criticized Biden’s weak foreign policies, which he believes have made life more dangerous for LGBTQ individuals in certain regions of the world.

Former first lady Melania Trump’s upcoming fundraiser with the Log Cabin Republicans was also highlighted, with Moran praising her as an ally who promotes unity and inclusion. He emphasized the importance of rallying together under a message of unity, especially in contrast to what he perceives as the divisive leadership of the current administration.

In conclusion, Moran underscored the Log Cabin Republicans’ commitment to broadening the GOP vote by embracing diverse perspectives within the party. He mentioned President Reagan’s mantra of unity and collaboration, emphasizing the importance of working together for a lasting majority in the Republican Party.